Start your business as a force for good

Company formation, management & accounting in Estonia

The future of entrepreneurship is conscious, social, and inclusive.


Empower entrepreneurs with the solutions they need to start and scale global businesses.


Creating a worldwide community of conscious entrepreneurs driving positive change.


To raise entrepreneurs’ awareness while offering comprehensive support to establish the groundwork for their success in the global business arena.

Why we exist?

Our core belief is that every person on this planet should have the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurship.

Our aim is to empower talented individuals with the solutions they need to pursue entrepreneurship successfully, enabling them to start and scale global businesses.

Our vision is to foster a worldwide network of entrepreneurs who not only excel in their businesses but also stand at the forefront of positive change in society.

Our services

At our core, we function as a comprehensive resource hub, offering guidance and support for entrepreneurs looking to start and manage global ventures in Estonia.

Our mission is to simplify the process by providing holistic business services encompassing company formation, management, and accounting.

Company formation & management

Explore our services that assist you in establishing and managing your digital venture in Estonia.

See services →


Choose the pricing model or accounting plan that best aligns with your current business needs.

See services

0% corporate income tax on retained profits

Easy online business management

Access to the European Union's market

Why consider Estonia? 💼

Estonia is an ideal place to start your business. Its innovative e-Residency program allows anyone to establish and manage an EU-based company online. The country offers a transparent tax system with 0% corporate tax on reinvested profits, fostering growth and reinvestment.

As a digitally advanced nation, Estonia ensures efficient administrative processes and seamless online management. Plus, businesses gain access to the expansive EU market, opening up vast opportunities for trade and expansion.

Are you a social entrepreneur?

Here at Incorporate, we support entrepreneurs and enterprises that prioritize creating a social impact by reinvesting their profits back into their mission, rather than distributing them to shareholders or owners.

We support these enterprises through, for example, free or discounted services. Let us know if you are one of them, and perhaps we can collaborate for a greater cause.

Here are some of the most influential organizations and initiatives changing the world.

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Ready to take the next step?