Digital detox: why we chose not to send e-cards this Christmas

The festive season is often marked by a flurry of activities and traditions, one of which is the sending of Christmas cards. However, this year, our company has taken a bold step in deciding not to send digital Christmas cards to our partners and clients.

This decision might raise eyebrows, but it’s rooted in a deep concern for digital waste and mental health, among other reasons. So, grab a cup of coffee (or a Christmas-themed beverage, if you’re feeling festive!), and let’s take a look into this unconventional decision.

Understanding digital waste and its impacts

Digital waste, or the clutter created by excessive digital content, is a growing concern. While it might seem intangible, the environmental impact is quite real. According to a study by the International Energy Agency, global internet data centers consume about 200 terawatt-hours (TWh) annually, which is approximately 1% of global electricity demand. This consumption contributes significantly to the carbon footprint associated with digital activities.

The hidden environmental cost

Sending a digital Christmas card may seem like a small act, but when multiplied by millions, the energy consumption adds up. Data servers that store and transmit these cards require substantial energy, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Our decision to not send digital cards is a small but meaningful step in reducing this environmental load.

Mental health considerations: the overlooked aspect

Another aspect we considered is mental health. The festive season can be overwhelming, with a barrage of emails and digital content adding to the stress.

The impact of digital overload

Research indicates that digital overload can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. A study by the American Psychological Association found that constant digital connectivity could adversely affect mental health, especially during high-stress periods like the holidays. By not adding to this digital deluge, we aim to respect the mental space and well-being of our partners and clients.

Other reasons behind our decision

While digital waste and mental health are at the forefront, there are other factors that influenced our decision.

Personalization and authenticity

In the era of digital communication, the essence of personal connection tends to fade. Instead of resorting to the routine practice of sending out generic digital cards, we are delving into more impactful methods to convey our appreciation to our partners and clients.

One such approach includes involving them in our stakeholders’ initiative. This initiative aims to acknowledge and reward those who have been instrumental in nurturing enduring business relationships and have significantly contributed to our company’s expansion.

Encouraging sustainable practices

Our decision is also a call to action for others to consider the environmental and psychological impacts of their digital habits. It’s a step towards encouraging more sustainable and mindful digital practices. Additionally, it aligns with our dedication to the 1% for the Planet movement, reinforcing our commitment to environmental stewardship.


In conclusion, our decision to not send digital Christmas cards is a conscious choice, driven by the desire to reduce digital waste, protect mental health, and encourage more personal and sustainable practices. It’s a small step, but one that reflects our commitment to a more thoughtful and responsible approach to business and communication.


Why has Incorporate decided not to send digital Christmas cards this year?

Our decision to forego digital Christmas cards is rooted in our commitment to reducing digital waste and protecting mental health. We are aware of the environmental impact of digital activities and the stress that can be caused by digital overload, especially during the festive season. We’re choosing to prioritize sustainability and the well-being of our partners and clients.

What is digital waste, and why is it a concern?

Digital waste refers to the clutter and environmental impact created by excessive digital content. It’s a concern because of its significant energy consumption. For instance, global internet data centers consume about 200 terawatt-hours annually. This energy use contributes to the carbon footprint of digital activities, making it a pressing environmental issue.

How can a business effectively balance digital communication with environmental responsibility?

Businesses can achieve this balance by being mindful of their digital footprint, prioritizing quality and personalization in communications, and integrating sustainable practices into their operations. This includes choosing eco-friendly hosting services, reducing unnecessary emails, and supporting environmental causes.

How does digital overload affect mental health?

Research has shown that digital overload can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Constant connectivity, especially during high-stress periods like the holidays, can adversely affect mental health. By reducing the digital clutter we contribute to, we hope to support the mental well-being of our community.

What alternative methods are being considered to express appreciation to partners and clients?

We are exploring more personal and impactful methods of showing our appreciation. This includes involving our partners and clients in our stakeholders’ initiative, which rewards those fostering lasting business relationships and supporting our company’s growth. This approach is more personalized and aligns with our values of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

How does this decision align with the company’s commitment to environmental practices?

Our choice to not send digital Christmas cards is in line with our commitment to sustainable practices and our dedication to the ‘1% for the Planet’ movement. It’s a step towards encouraging environmentally responsible habits and reducing our collective carbon footprint, reaffirming our pledge to environmental stewardship.

Will this decision affect how Incorporate communicates with its stakeholders during the festive season?

While we are changing the way we traditionally send holiday greetings, we will continue to communicate effectively and meaningfully with our stakeholders. This decision opens up opportunities for more authentic and personal forms of communication, fostering stronger and more meaningful connections.

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