Estonia’s future mobility

Estonia, a small yet technologically advanced country, is rapidly becoming a global hotspot for innovative mobility solutions. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Estonian companies are revolutionizing the transportation sector with their groundbreaking approaches to self-driving cars, robotic delivery systems, and sustainable car-sharing models.

Self-driving pioneers

Auve Tech’s innovation in autonomous vehicles

Estonia’s drive towards futuristic mobility is exemplified by the success of Auve Tech. Spearheading the development of self-driving buses, Auve Tech is not just a beacon of innovation but a testament to Estonian expertise in the automotive industry. Let’s take a look at the engineering marvels behind their second-generation vehicle, MiCa, and discover how it’s making waves in the Japanese market.

Building the world’s best self-driving vehicle

According to Kaarel Variksaar, CEO of Auve Tech, the primary goal of the company is to create the world’s most advanced self-driving vehicle. This ambitious endeavor is rooted in enhancing vehicle intelligence and reliability. Their latest model, MiCa, showcases significant advancements in vehicle vision, cognition capabilities, and capacity. It’s a leap forward in autonomous technology, aiming to redefine mobility in urban landscapes.

Auve Tech’s unique approach to vehicle production

The company’s strength lies in its holistic approach to vehicle creation. From design to development and production, everything is managed under one roof. This streamlined process, along with the hands-on involvement of the company owner, Väino Kaldoja, provides Auve Tech with exceptional agility and responsiveness to market needs. It’s this innovative spirit that has garnered attention in Japan and beyond.

Challenges and opportunities in scaling production

Despite the growing interest in their autonomous buses, Auve Tech faces the challenge of scaling up production. However, this hurdle also presents an opportunity to refine their manufacturing processes and expand their global footprint, starting with a focus on the Japanese market.

Driving towards a sustainable future

Estonia’s commitment to sustainable mobility is evident in Auve Tech’s approach to vehicle design. The company is not just creating self-driving vehicles but is also championing the green transition. Their buses, powered by green energy and constructed with recyclable materials, are a step towards reducing the global dependence on personal vehicles for short-distance travel and goods transportation.

Revolutionizing last-mile delivery with robot couriers

Clevon, a spin-off from the automated pick-up lockers manufacturer Cleveron, is transforming last-mile delivery with its autonomous robot carriers (ARCs). These innovative ARCs are not just a futuristic concept but a practical solution to today’s logistical challenges.

Clevon’s global expansion

Clevon’s ARCs, known for their efficiency and environmental friendliness, have been successfully deployed in multiple continents, including Europe and the USA. The company’s vision of innovating last-mile delivery is rapidly becoming a reality as they expand their footprint globally.

Clevon’s strategic pilot projects

In 2022-2023, Clevon launched pilot projects in various locations, including Tallinn, Vilnius, Londerzeel, and Texas. These pilots are crucial in testing the efficacy of their ARCs in different urban environments and refining their technology for broader adoption.

The future of robotic delivery in the USA and Middle East

Clevon’s expansion into the USA and the Middle East marks a significant milestone in their journey. The opening of an office and service center near Dallas and plans for an operations service center in Saudi Arabia underscore their commitment to global growth and innovation in robotic delivery.

Clevon’s contribution to sustainable and efficient delivery

Clevon’s ARCs are not just about technological advancement; they are also a response to the pressing need for sustainable and efficient delivery solutions. By reducing carbon emissions, delivery costs, and package theft, these robots are redefining the logistics industry.

Pioneering teledriving and car sharing in Estonia

Elmo, a carve-out from an electric car-sharing company, is pioneering a unique approach to car sharing with its road-legal teledriving technology.


Elmo’s teledriving technology is revolutionizing car sharing by delivering electric cars directly to customers’ doorsteps. This convenience, combined with the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, positions Elmo as a leader in sustainable transportation solutions.

Elmo’s expansion to new markets

After its success in Estonia, Elmo expanded to Helsinki, making Finland the second country in Europe to have teledriven cars on public roads. This expansion signifies the growing acceptance and potential of teledriving technology in transforming urban mobility.

Reducing personal car ownership

One of Elmo’s primary goals is to encourage people to give up personal cars in favor of shared vehicles. By making car sharing more accessible and convenient, Elmo aims to reduce the environmental impact of personal vehicle ownership and promote a more sustainable future.

Technology innovators joining forces

Estonia’s reputation as a hub for technological innovation is further bolstered by the collaboration between Bolt and Starship. This partnership, focused on integrating Starship’s electric robots with Bolt’s services, is a step towards creating more efficient and sustainable cities.


Estonia’s journey in transforming mobility is a remarkable testament to innovation and sustainability. Through the efforts of companies like Auve Tech, Clevon, and Elmo, Estonia is redefining transportation. These advancements are more than technological feats; they represent a commitment to a sustainable, efficient future.

The impact of Estonia’s progress extends globally, reshaping perceptions of transportation and urban development. This small nation’s achievements in autonomous and eco-friendly transport solutions serve as a beacon for the world, guiding us towards smarter, more sustainable living.


How is Estonia leading the way in autonomous vehicle technology?

Estonia is at the forefront of autonomous vehicle technology with companies like Auve Tech and Clevon developing advanced self-driving vehicles and robotic delivery systems. These innovations are being recognized and adopted globally, showcasing Estonia’s expertise in this field.

What are the environmental benefits of Estonia’s mobility innovations?

Estonia’s mobility innovations, such as Auve Tech’s green-energy buses and Clevon’s efficient robot couriers, contribute to reducing carbon emissions, minimizing the use of personal vehicles, and promoting sustainable urban mobility.

How do Estonian mobility innovations contribute to urban planning and development?

Estonian mobility innovations contribute significantly to urban planning and development by promoting more efficient use of public spaces, reducing traffic congestion, and lowering pollution levels. These technologies are paving the way for smarter, more sustainable cities.

What role does the Estonian government play in supporting these mobility innovations?

The Estonian government plays a crucial role in supporting mobility innovations by providing a favorable regulatory environment, encouraging public-private partnerships, and investing in research and development. This support has been instrumental in fostering a culture of innovation and technological advancement in Estonia.

How are these Estonian companies ensuring the safety of their autonomous vehicles and robots?

Safety is a top priority for these companies. They ensure the safety of their autonomous vehicles and robots through rigorous testing, continuous software updates, and adherence to international safety standards. Moreover, they frequently engage with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Can these Estonian mobility solutions be adapted to different countries with varying infrastructures?

Yes, these solutions are designed to be adaptable to different countries with varying infrastructures. Companies like Auve Tech and Clevon are continuously working on making their technologies versatile and capable of handling diverse urban and rural landscapes.

What impact do these innovations have on Estonia’s economy and global presence?

These mobility innovations have a positive impact on Estonia’s economy by attracting foreign investment, creating jobs, and enhancing the country’s global presence as a leader in technology and innovation. They also showcase Estonia’s ability to develop and export high-tech solutions.

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