From ME to WE: humanity awareness and the power of connection for a sustainable world Vol:8

Understanding humanity awareness

The survival of our species depends on the adoption of a new worldview, according to Richard Barrett. This emerging worldview is called humanity awareness, representing a collective shift towards the self-actualizing stage of human development. This worldview emphasizes finding meaning and purpose through the exploration of our natural gifts and talents, with an approach to problem-solving that is holistic and systemic, and efforts focused on system-wide changes. In this blog post, we will explore how humanity awareness can contribute to sustainability.

The three components of a worldview

A worldview consists of three components: a personal belief system, a cultural belief system, and a cosmological belief system. The personal belief system defines how we react or respond to what is happening around us. The cultural belief system defines how we relate to others and conduct ourselves in our community. The cosmological belief system helps us understand our place in the universe. As worldviews evolve, the cultural component tends to become less significant, while the cosmological component is always significant.

Humanity awareness and sustainability

Humanity awareness is a transnational identity that recognizes our shared humanity and focuses on well-being, empathy, kindness, and compassion. It emphasizes values-based education, meditation, and psychological growth. Sustainability is based on the concept of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Humanity awareness aligns with this concept by promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. It recognizes the importance of holistic and systemic approaches to problem-solving and values-based decision-making.

The cosmology of humanity awareness and sustainability

The cosmology of humanity awareness is a unifying framework that integrates spirituality, science, and psychology. It recognizes every human being as an individuated aspect of the universal energy field, experiencing a three-dimensional material reality in a physical body. At this level of awareness, every person shares the same level of identity and humanitarian values. Discrimination is not tolerated in humanity awareness, and every person is regarded as equal and important. This cosmology emphasizes the importance of ego-soul alignment, living in harmony with others, and energy healing.

How humanity awareness can foster sustainable living

Humanity awareness can foster sustainable living by promoting values such as empathy, kindness, and compassion. It recognizes the importance of social, economic, and environmental well-being and promotes holistic and systemic approaches to problem-solving. Humanity awareness also emphasizes values-based education, competence, and creativity, promoting personal growth and development. By fostering a deep sense of connection, empathy, and compassion among all people, humanity awareness can create a more sustainable future.


Embracing humanity awareness for a sustainable future is a worldview that emphasizes finding meaning and purpose through the exploration of our natural gifts and talents, while promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. It aligns with the concept of sustainability by promoting holistic and systemic approaches to problem-solving and values-based decision-making. The cosmology of humanity awareness emphasizes the importance of ego-soul alignment, living in harmony with others, and energy healing. By fostering a deep sense of connection, empathy, and compassion among all people, humanity awareness can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Thought-provoking facts

  • A report by the United Nations states that the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to create a more sustainable future for everyone.
  • The World Economic Forum reports that the current economic system is unsustainable and must be transformed to create a more sustainable future.
  • The World Wildlife Fund reports that global wildlife populations have declined by 68% since 1970, indicating the need for a more sustainable approach to human activity.
  • A study by the University of Oxford found that plant-based diets are more sustainable than meat-based diets, due to the environmental impact of animal agriculture.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that urgent action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, which threaten the sustainability of human civilization.
  • The World Health Organization reports that air pollution is responsible for approximately 7 million premature deaths each year, indicating the need for sustainable solutions to reduce pollution.
  • A study by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that a circular economy, in which waste is minimized and resources are kept in use for as long as possible, could create significant economic and environmental benefits.

All of these examples highlight the urgent need for a more sustainable approach to human activity. Humanity awareness offers a holistic and systemic worldview that aligns with the concept of sustainability by promoting values-based decision-making and promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. By embracing humanity awareness and fostering a deep sense of connection, empathy, and compassion among all people, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

Conscious living: why sharing this post matters

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