Navigating the latest regulations for contact person service in Estonia

Are you a foreign company looking to establish a presence in Estonia? Or maybe you’re a local business owner who needs to update your company’s information in the Estonian Business Register? In either case, you should be aware of the regulations in force in Estonia regarding the appointment of a contact person.

What is a contact person?

This service involves appointing a contact person who serves as a point of contact between your company and the authorities. In some cases it’s mandatory by law in Estonia. The contact person’s role is to receive official documents and notices on behalf of your company and forward them to you promptly.

Regulations for contact person service in Estonia

As of 1 February 2023, the Estonian Commercial Register Act requires legal entities whose address is in a foreign country to appoint a contact person. However, legal entities with an address in Estonia may voluntarily appoint a contact person to receive official correspondence on behalf of the legal entity. In this case, only a notary, notary office, lawyer, law firm, sworn auditor, audit firm, non-resident tax representative within the meaning of the Taxation Act or service provider of trust funds and companies specified in § 8 of the Money Laundering and Terrorism Prevention Act may be appointed as a contact person. 

The table below provides a detailed explanation of the situations in which designating a contact person is mandatory in order to ensure compliance with Estonian regulations.

Do you need to take action?
Your company’s legal address is in Estonia but you have not appointed a contact personNo
Your company’s legal address is in Estonia and you have appointed a contact personNo
Your company’s legal address is not in Estonia and you have appointed a contact personNo
Your company’s legal address is not in Estonia and you have not appointed a contact personYes, you have to appoint a contact person for your company
Your company does not have a legal address in Estonia and you have not appointed a contact personYes, you have to appoint a contact person for your company or register an address in Estonia

Deadline for appointing the contact person

For legal entities whose address is in a foreign country, the contact person must be appointed upon registration in the Estonian Business Register. If the legal entity’s address is in Estonia, appointing a contact person is voluntary, but if the previously appointed contact person is to be retained, a term for the contact person must be submitted to the registry by April 30, 2023. This is done by submitting an application for amendment in the e-Business register.

Consequences of failing to appoint a contact person

If a legal entity whose address is in a foreign country fails to appoint a contact person, the Estonian Business Register will refuse to register the entity. If a legal entity with an address in Estonia has previously appointed a contact person but fails to provide the contact person’s term by 30 April 2023, the contact person will be automatically deleted from the legal entity’s data.

The contact person’s data will also be removed automatically from the commercial register in the future upon expiry of the term. The term can be extended by informing the registrar.

Incorporate, your trusted service provider

If you’re looking for assistance in appointing a contact person for your legal entity in Estonia, or you need an Estonian legal address for your company, Incorporate is there for you. We specialize in providing contact person services to legal entities and we can ensure that your legal entity remains compliant with Estonian regulations. Please feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in using our contact person service.

In conclusion, while the regulations for contact person service in Estonia may seem complex, they are important for legal entities operating in Estonia. Whether you’re a foreign company looking to establish a presence in Estonia or a local business owner, it’s crucial to understand the requirements and deadlines for appointing a contact person to avoid any potential consequences.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information, which may or may not be correct, complete or current at the time of reading. No recipients of content from this site should act on the basis of content of the article without seeking appropriate legal advice or other professional counselling.

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